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Debian Backports You are running Debian stable, because you prefer the Debian stable tree. It runs great, there is just one problem: the software is a little bit outdated compared to other distributions. This is where backports come in. Backports are packages taken from the next Debian release (called "testing"), adjusted and recompiled for usage on Debian stable. How to install the latest Python version on Debian This answers how to install the latest version of python without breaking the system. BTW, you can check out the latest version of python that Debian in madison, while the latest version of python 2 at the date is the one you pointed out: Debian 10 'Buster' Linux arrives | ZDNet
How to Install Latest VLC Media Player on Debian 10
Debian images for VMware and VirtualBox - OSBoxes
Install | NGINX
How to get Linux kernel 5.3 on Debian 10 Stable
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